If you want to get more sales, you need to show that other people are buying from you.

Having a testimonial section on your website allows customers to share their experiences with you.

The testimonials section on your website is like a social proof billboard for new visitors. It’s also an opportunity to demonstrate how your product solved their problems or dealt with objections when buying it.

Getting testimonials is hard, but they are so crucial for your business. We all know that having a testimonial section on our website can quickly increase conversions and build trust with new customers. But it’s also tough to get them in the first place!

A testimonial section helps increase conversions because it shows potential customers that others have already decided to buy from you and found value in what they purchased. The testimonial section on your website is one of the essential marketing tools you can have, but it’s also one of the most underutilized.

You can even feature customer success stories where they share how your product helped them overcome an obstacle or solve a big problem for them. Testimonials are powerful social proof that will compel new visitors to take action now instead of later!

A great way to show off your work is by letting others do the talking for you!

Have you already added testimonials to your site? If not, why don’t you sit down with the marketing team and your customers? This will help build authority for you in addition!