Today is 2nd March, and it is completion of my one year in BNI ULTI-MATES (BNI Delhi South) chapter. And thing which impressed me the most was a Member Success Program (MSP), one of the best training program provided by BNI to its members. Recently, I attended MSP (on Feb 25th, 2017) after a year and it was a complete refresher. MSP is one of the best program which really talks about the fundamentals of BNI, i.e., Structure & Education. Whether it is about weekly presentation or featured presentation, structures of these presentations really help members to prepare an elevator pitch, which never made sense to me before joining BNI. I liked almost all topics (except general policies and administrative policies because I was not very much interested in those) and most of the sections were useful as well as informative. And one of these topic was VCP – An acronym of visibility, credibility and profitability. However, this time it was not taught as a formula and our trainers Mr. Anupam Kaushal & Mrs. Anjali Chowdhry (By the way, they are our Chapter Executive Directors as well) took it to the next level by translating it into a process. So transformation of VCP from formula to process was indeed a paradigm shift. Icing on the cake was assignment of noting down the name of top 20 customers. We had to do self evaluation to find out at which stage (Visbility/Credibility/Profitability) we are with each customer. It was really an eye opener and it helped me to plan my One-to-Ones. I was skeptical before attending the training since I was assuming it to be the repetition of last year MSP training, but now I am thanking myself for the decision to join it. I am sure, there must be other members as well like me, who have attended MSP & have their own opinion, must have got some key takeaways from this program. I’d be happy to read more comments from my fellow BNI members to know about their views on MSP.