Getting a number 1 position in search engine, at-least in first top 10 positions on targeted keywords, is a dream for website owners (whether it is personal, business or community). But ever changing algorithms of popular search engines & various SEO ranking factors, especially Google makes it a constant challenge to be in the ‘top 10’ table or even enter it.

Since, there are only 10 positions for specific keywords or keyword phrase, website owners (except the lucky 10), find it challenging to beat the competition. But a good keyword research and better understanding of search engine ranking factors can help fulfill your dream true of entering the top 10 positions.

In a major search engine, every top 10 results are combination of on-page SEO and off-page SEO factors. On-page SEO factors are something which website owners can use for their advantage. On-page SEO factors do not require frequent and on-going efforts from website owners. Off-page SEO factors are needs which require constant monitoring and relevant efforts to maintain and improve search engine ranking positions of web-page on specific keyword.

Each type of SEO ranking factor (on-page SEO and off-page SEO) include various components ranging from web-page content, HTML tags and web-page architecture to in-bound and out-bound links, social media sharing, book marking & reputation, geographical location of domain, domain age, web-page history, country and many more.

Though the list of factors might be overwhelming, but understanding each factor will help you to get the desired position in search engine ranking results.

In my future posts, I will be writing in detail about these SEO ranking factors. A good understanding of these factors will always help people to reach your website when they type the keywords in the search box. If you would like to comment or discuss about anything related to this post, feel free to share your thoughts by providing your comments below.

Till we meet again!