How do you build an email list that is interested in what you’re selling?
The best way to get people’s attention is by offering them something exclusive?
That’s why we are suggesting you use the waitlist as a lead magnet. It makes it easy to create a waiting list that allows your audience to sign up and be notified when you launch a new product or service.
The best way to get your first 1,000 customers is by creating an exclusive club that only accepts the right set of people.
This allows you to control who gets access and when. Most businesses fail because they don’t have enough paying customers. A waiting list solves this problem!
Suppose someone signs up on our waiting list. In that case, they will receive exclusive access to the latest news about your business, special discounts and offers. These will be exclusively available for members of your waitlist!
You can also use this tool to giveaway prizes during any marketing campaign, such as webinars or giveaways. This way, everyone who wins will join your email list automatically after entering their details into the contest form.
Waiting List – 100 Days Marketing Challenge