How to get more leads with surveys

A survey is more than just a tool for market research. Surveys can also increase the number of leads you have. They are essential because this information could help guide future marketing decisions or other lead generation methods in your business.

Why Surveys?

• With Surveys, you can get your message in front of the right people
• Save time by narrowing down your audience quicker with this tool
• You may be able to figure out a customer’s expectations before they even have them
• Create surveys that actually answer questions about what customers want

What if you could generate 150,000 leads from a straightforward survey. That’s what Beardbrand did by embedding a quiz on their homepage.

You can read more about this case study here:…/beardbrand-personality-quiz/

Surveys can help you understand your target audience better and learn what they want from your business. You’ll be able to use this information in various ways, including marketing decisions or other lead generation methods in your industry.

We are using Survey to generate leads in Australia and Ireland as a tool for our solar business (start solar).

My friend Dillon Nikolai is champion to use quiz forms to generate leads for his clients (including Start Solar Australia and Start Solar UK & Ireland)

There’s an art to asking the right question. Consider who you’re trying to reach and what they care about most. Then think of a survey that will help them reflect on their preferences and attitudes for your business. So, you can better serve them with content tailored just for them and convert them into customers!

So, how are you planning to use Survey to get more qualified leads for your business?